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Veröffentlichungen bis 1990

Structures of Liquid Crystalline Side Group Polymers Oriented by Drawing
R. Zentel, G.R. Strobl. Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 185, 2669-2676 (1984)
Molecular-Motion, Defect Structures and Phase-Transitions in Oligomer Crystals
G.R. Strobl, H. Schwickert, T. Trzebiatowski. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 87, 274-279 (1983)
Crystallization and Melting of Fractions of Branched Polyethylene. 2. Dilatometric and Small-Angle X-Ray-Scattering Study on the Molecular Weight Dependence of Isothermal Crystallization
E. Maderek, G.R. Strobl. Coll. Polym. Sci. 261, 471-476 (1983)
Effect of Amorphous Sequences on the Longitudinal Acoustic Modes in Partially Crystalline Polymers. 1. Transfer Matrix Method
G.R. Strobl. J. Polym. Sci. B - Polymer Physics 21, 1357-1380 (1983)
On the Kinetics of Isothermal Crystallization of Branched Polyethylene
G.R. Strobl, T. Engelke, E. Madarek, G. Urban. Polymer 24, 1585-1589 (1983)
Kristallisation und Schmelzverhalten von Fraktionen verzweigten Polyethylens. 1. Darstellung und Charakterisierung der Fraktionen
Eugeniusz Maderek, Gert R. Strobl. Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 184, 2553-2561 (1983)
Raman Spectrum of the High Pressure Phase of Polyethylene
R. Eckel, H. Schwickert, M. Buback, G.R. Strobl. Polymer Bulletin 6, 559-564 (1982)
Die Kristallstruktur von Cycloalkanen
Thomas Trzebiatowski, Martin Dräger, Gert R. Strobl. Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 183, 731-744 (1982)
Zum Mechanismus der Polymerkristallisation
G. R. Strobl, T. Engelke, H. Meier, G. Urban. Coll. Polym. Sci. 260, 394-403 (1982)
Pressure induced changes in the Raman spectra of liquid n-alkanes and perfluoro-n-alkanes
H. Schwickert, G. R. Strobl and R. Eckel. Coll. Polym. Sci. 260, 588-593 (1982)
Untersuchung der druckinduzierten Kristallisation von Polyäthylen mit Hilfe einer neuen Raman-Hochdruckzelle
R. Eckel, M. Buback und G. R. Strobl. Coll. Polym. Sci. 259, 326-334 (1981)
Model of Partial Crystallization and Melting Derived from Small-Angle X-Ray-Scattering and Electron-Microscopic Studies on Low-Density Polyethylene
G.R. Strobl, M.J. Schneider, I.G. Voigt-Martin. J. Polym. Sci. B - Polymer Physics 18, 1361-1381 (1980)
Direct Evaluation of the Electron Density Correlation Function of Partially Crystalline Polymers
G.R. Strobl, M. Schneider. J. Polym. Sci. B - Polymer Physics 18, 1343-1359 (1980)
Analysis of the Intensities of the Longitudinal Acoustic Vibtrations in n-Alkanes and Polyethylene
G.R. Strobl, R. Eckel. Coll. Polym. Sci. 258, 570-577 (1980)
Phase-Transitions in Crystals of Chain Molecules. Relation between Defect Structures and Molecular Motion in the four Modifications of n-C33H68
B. Ewen, G.R. Strobl, D. Richter. Faraday Discussions 69, 19-31 (1980)
Molecular Orientational Correlations and Local Order in n-Alkane Liquids
E.W. Fischer, G.R. Strobl, M. Dettenmaier, M. Stamm, N. Steidle. Faraday Discussions 68, 26-45 (1979)
Einige polymerspezifische Anwendungen der Schwingungsspektroskopie
G.R. Strobl. Coll. Polym. Sci. 257, 584-590 (1979)
Circular Fluorescence Polarization of Achiral Molecules in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
H. Stegemeyer, W. Stille and P. Pollmann. Israel J. Chem. 18, 312 (1979)
Molekulare Deutung der Umwandlungswärmen bei den Modifikationsübergängen des n-Tritriacontans
G.R. Strobl. Coll. Polym. Sci. 256, 427-445 (1978)
Raman Spectroscopic Method for Determining Crystallinity of Polyethylene
G.R. Strobl, W. Hagedorn. J. Polym. Sci. Part B - Polymer Physics 16, 1181-1193 (1978)
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