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Neueste Veröffentlichungen

London dispersion forces and steric effects within nanocomposites tune interaction energies and chain conformation

Baode Zhang, Snežana D. Zarić, Sonja S. Zrilić, Iosif Gofman, Barbara Heck, Günter Reiter. Communications Chemistry 8 (2025) 21

baode.jpgThe interplay between attractive London dispersion forces and steric effects due to repulsive forces resulting from the Pauli principle often determines the geometry and stability of nanostructures. Aromatic polyimides (PI) and carbon nanotubes (CNT) were chosen as building blocks as two components in the hetero delocalized electron nanostructures. Two PIs, having the same diamine part and different linkage substituents between two phenyl rings of dianhydride part, one linked with ether bond (C-O-C) (OPI), the other with C-(CF3)2 (FPI), were investigated. Surprisingly, two CNT/PI nanocomposites show distinct failure mode from CNT yielding to CNT pull-out failure. Calculation of the interaction energy and chain conformations of each PI upon CNT was performed by accurate density functional theory (DFT) calculations and molecular dynamic simulation (MDS). (more...)

Effect of chemical structure on the crystallization kinetics of triple polymorphic high-sulfur-content polythioethers

Valentina Pirela, Leire Unanue, Justine Elgoyhen, Javier Ramos, Juan Francisco Vega, Agurtzane Mugica, Manuela Zubitur, Cuong Minh Quoc Le, Abraham Chemtob, Radmila Tomovska, Günter Reiter, Jaime Martín, Alejandro J. Müller. European Polymer Journal (2025) 113721

This work studies how the chemical structure of relatively similar high-sulfur alternating polythioether homopolymers (DMDS-alt-DVE, DMDS-alt-TEGDVE, and DMDS-alt-BDDVE) affects their structural properties, morphology, polymorphism, and crystallization kinetics. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarized light optical microscopy (PLOM) experiments revealed a complex crystallization for the samples in which up to three different polymorphic phases were identified: a very low melting crystal form (VL-Tm form), a low melting crystal form (L-Tm form) and a high melting crystal form (H-Tm form), characterized by their corresponding melting temperature ranges and confirmed via Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS). A coexistence of negative and positive spherulites was found, and their origin was revealed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), which showed how the lamellar arrangement varied in the samples from predominantly radial to a cross-hatched morphology. (more...)

Post-spin Stretch Improves Mechanical Properties, Reduces Necking, and Reverts Effects of Aging in Biomimetic Artificial Spider Silk Fibers

Gabriele Greco, Benjamin Schmuck, Fredrik G. Bäcklund, Günter Reiter and Anna Rising. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.  6 (2024) 14342–14350

reiter-2024-05.jpgRecent biotechnological advancements in protein production and development of biomimetic spinning procedures make artificial spider silk a promising alternative to petroleum-based fibers. To enhance the competitiveness of artificial silk in terms of mechanical properties, refining the spinning techniques is imperative. One potential strategy involves the integration of post-spin stretching, known to improve fiber strength and stiffness while potentially offering additional advantages. Here, we demonstrate that post-spin stretching not only enhances the mechanical properties of artificial silk fibers but also restores a higher and more uniform alignment of the protein chains, leading to a higher fiber toughness. (more...)

Mechanistically Different Mechanochromophores Enable Calibration and Validation of Molecular Forces in Glassy Polymers and Elastomeric Networks

Raphael Hertel, Maximilian Raisch, Michael Walter, Günter Reiter, Michael Sommer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202409369

sommer.jpgSterically distorted donor-acceptor p‑systems, termed DA springs, can be progressively planarized under mechanical load causing a bathochromic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum. By combining theory and experiment, we here use a simple linear force calibration for two different conformational mechanochromophores to determine molecular forces in polymers from the mechanochromic shift in PL wavelength during multiple uniaxial tensile tests. Two systems are used, i) a highly entangled linear glassy polyphenylene and ii) a covalent elastomeric polydimethylsiloxane network. The mean forces estimated by this method are validated using known threshold forces for the mechanochemical ring-opening reactions of two different spiropyran force probes. The agreement between both approaches underlines that these DA springs provide the unique opportunity for the online monitoring of local molecular forces present in diverse polymer matrices.(more...)


Liste der Veröffentlichungen

Investigation of Melting and Re-Crystallisation Behavior of Polyethylene Nanocrystals
Nandita Basu. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2012
Severe deformations of malignant bone and skin cells, as well as aged cells, on micropatterned surfaces
Patricia M. Davidson, Tokuko Haraguchi, Takako Koujin, Thorsten Steinberg, Pascal Tomakidi, Yasushi Hiraoka, Karine Anselme, Günter Reiter. In "Biomaterials Surface Science" Eds. Andreas Taubert, Joao F. Mano, Jose Carlos Rodriguez-Cabello. Wiley-VCH Germany, ISBN 978-3527330317 (2013)
Morphological changes during annealing of polyethylene nanocrystals
Nandita Basu, Anna Osichow, Stefan Mecking, Günter Reiter. EPJE 35,18 (2012)
Anisotropic Charge Transport in Spherulitic Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Films
Edward J. W. Crossland, Kim Tremel, Florian Fischer, Khosrow Rahimi, Günter Reiter, Ullrich Steiner, and Sabine Ludwigs. Adv. Mater. 24, 839–844 (2012)
Molecular dynamics and biaxiality of nematic polymers and elastomers
Felicitas Brömmel, Werner Stille, Heino Finkelmann, Anke Hoffmann. Soft Matter 7, 2387-2401 (2011)
Non-equilibrium behavior of thin polymer films
Katherine R. Thomas, Alexis Chenneviere, Günter Reiter and Ullrich Steiner. Phys. Rev. E 83, 021804 (2011)
Depression of the Zero Growth Temperature by Counits Observed for s-Polypropylene in Light Attenuation Experiments
Ralf Delto, Werner Stille, Gert Strobl. Macromolecules 43, 1035-1040 (2010)
Conductance fluctuations in metal-nanoparticle-metal junctions
L. V. Govor, G. H. Bauer, G. Reiter, and J. Parisi. Phys. Rev. B 82, 155437 (2010)
Aging of thin polymer films cast from a near-theta solvent
Adam Raegen, Mithun Chowdhury, Christophe Calers, Alexander Schmatulla, Ullrich Steiner, and Günter Reiter. Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 227801 (2010)
Spreading of Liquids on Substrates
Günter Reiter. In Handbook of Adhesion Technology. Eds. Lucas Filipe Martins da Silva, Andreas Öchsner, Robert Adams. Springer 2011
Systematic Control of Nucleation Density in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Thin Films
Edward J. W. Crossland, Khosrow Rahimi, Günter Reiter, Ullrich Steiner, and Sabine Ludwigs. Advanced Functional Materials 21, 518–524 (2011)
Possible origin of thickness-dependent deviations from bulk properties of thin polymer films
Günter Reiter, Simone Napolitano. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 48, 2544-2547 (2010)
Surface-induced breakout crystallization in cylinderforming P(I-b-EO) diblock copolymer thin films
C.M. Papadakis, C. Darko, Z. Di, K. Troll, E. Metwalli, A. Timmann, G. Reiter, and S. Förster. European Physical Journal E 34, 7 (2011)
Topographically induced self-deformation of the nuclei of cells: dependence on cell type and proposed mechanisms
Patricia M. Davidson, Olivia Fromigue, Pierre J. Marie, Vasif Hasirci, Günter Reiter, Karine Anselme. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med. 21, 939-946 (2010)
Accelerating Dewetting on Deformable Substrates by Adding a Liquid Underlayer
Lin Xu, Günter Reiter, Tongfei Shi and Lijia An. Langmuir 26, 7270–7276 (2010)
高分子の物理―構造と物性を理解するために (単行本)
G.R. ストローブル (著), Gert R. Strobl (原著), 深尾 浩次 (翻訳), 宮地 英紀 (翻訳), 宮本 嘉久 (翻訳), 林 久夫 (翻訳). 出版社: シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京 (1998/2010) ISBN 978-4431707950
Two Competing Crystallization Modes in a Smectogenic Polyester
Barbara Heck, Ernesto Perez and Gert Strobl. Macromolecules 43, 4172-4183 (2010)
Oriented crystallization of isotactic polystyrene in films prepared by friction transfer
K. Jradi, S. Bistac, M. Schmitt, G. Reiter. Polymer 50, 3724-3729 (2009)
Enhancing nucleation and controlling crystal orientation by rubbing/scratching the surface of a thin polymer film
K. Jradi, S. Bistac, M. Schmitt, A. Schmatulla, G. Reiter. Eur. Phys. J. E 29, 383-389 (2009)
Microstructured Surfaces Cause Severe but Non-Detrimental Deformation of the Cell Nucleus
Patricia M. Davidson, Hayriye Ozcelik, Vasif Hasirci, Guenter Reiter, Karine Anselme. Advanced Materials 21, 3586 (2009)
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