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Neueste Veröffentlichungen

Mechanistically Different Mechanochromophores Enable Calibration and Validation of Molecular Forces in Glassy Polymers and Elastomeric Networks

Raphael Hertel, Maximilian Raisch, Michael Walter, Günter Reiter, Michael Sommer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202409369

sommer.jpgSterically distorted donor-acceptor p‑systems, termed DA springs, can be progressively planarized under mechanical load causing a bathochromic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum. By combining theory and experiment, we here use a simple linear force calibration for two different conformational mechanochromophores to determine molecular forces in polymers from the mechanochromic shift in PL wavelength during multiple uniaxial tensile tests. Two systems are used, i) a highly entangled linear glassy polyphenylene and ii) a covalent elastomeric polydimethylsiloxane network. The mean forces estimated by this method are validated using known threshold forces for the mechanochemical ring-opening reactions of two different spiropyran force probes. The agreement between both approaches underlines that these DA springs provide the unique opportunity for the online monitoring of local molecular forces present in diverse polymer matrices.(more...)

"Printing" on Polymer Single Crystals through Microregional Heating

Tianyu Wu, Haimu Ye, Xinyi Pan, Yaning He, Jun Xu, Günter Reiter. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2024, 6, 14, 7969–7977

tianyu.jpgPolymer single crystals are composed of well-ordered polymer chains and possess a characteristic symmetric shape. If one can precisely control the microregional morphology, polymer single crystals have the potential to be used as functional templates for applications like information storage or cell culture. However, with current experimental approaches, it is rather difficult to generate predictable structures of defined size within polymer single crystals. Here, we propose a research strategy based on a combination of fluorescence labeling and microregional heating by irradiation with focused red light. This approach enabled us to locally heat single crystals while simultaneously following the thereby induced changes via fluorescence imaging with a micrometer lateral resolution. We found that polymers diffused out of the heated region within a stacked single crystal and thereby produced a hole at the irradiated location. (more...)

Mechanism for the Formation of Millimeter-Long Solid Filaments by Spin Coating Dilute Solutions of a Crystallizable Polymer

Da Huang, Thorsten Hugel, and Günter Reiter. Macromolecules 2024, 57, 3696–3705

huang.jpgWe have investigated the formation of millimeter-long filaments induced by spin-coating ca. 130 °C dilute para-xylene solutions of rapidly crystallizable polyethylene chains with a contour length in the micrometer range onto ca. 80 °C mica substrates. These filaments were radially oriented and accumulated on the periphery of the substrate. Our observations can be explained by the stretching of polymers through the flow field induced by spinning the solution on a solid substrate. The corresponding loss in conformational entropy emphasized attractive interactions between polymers, which resulted in the formation of bundles and their assembly into long filaments. Caused by a Plateau–Rayleigh-type instability of a liquid coating on a solid filament and due to crystallization, these filaments were decorated with various small-scale structures. (more...)


Liste der Veröffentlichungen

Polymer Crystallization in Quasi-2 Dimensions: II. Kinetic Models and Computer Simulations
J.-U. Sommer, G. Reiter. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4384-4393 (2000)
Polymer Crystallization in Quasi-2 Dimensions: I. Experimental Results
G. Reiter, J.-U. Sommer. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4376-4383 (2000)
Capillary rise in glass fabrics.
J.M. Senecot, M. Nardin, G. Reiter, J. Schultz, P. Christou, P. Henrat. Le Vide: Science, Technique et Applications 296, 440-445 (2000)
Etude par microscopie à force atomique de la cristallisation de polymères
G. Reiter, G. Castelein, J.U. Sommer, L. Vidal. Actes du Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, Marly le Roi, 7-9 mars 2000, p. 68-69
Block crystallization in model triarm star block copolymers with two crystallizable blocks. A time-resolved SAXS-WAXS study
G. Floudas, G. Reiter, O. Lambert, P. Dumas, F.J. Yeh, B. Chu. In: Scattering from Polymers: Characterization by X-rays, Neutrons, and Light. ACS Symposium Series 739 (2000) 448-455
Light scattering by fluctuations within a nematic wetting layer in a isotropic phase of a liquid crystal
R. Sigel, G. Strobl. Journal of Chemical Physics 112, 1029-1039 (2000)
Temperature and strain rate independence of critical strains in polyethylene and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)
S. Hobeika, Y. Men, G. Strobl. Macromolecules 33, 1827-1833 (2000)
Investigating the mechanisms of polymer crystallization by SAXS experiments
G. Hauser, J. Schmidtke, G. Strobl, T. Thurn-Albrecht. ACS Symposium Series 739, 140-151 (2000)
Static and Dynamic Light Scattering of a Nematic Side-Group Polysiloxane
Jürgen Schmidtke, Werner Stille, and Gert Strobl. Macromolecules 33, 2922 (2000)
Isothermal crystallization and melting of isotactic polypropylene analyzed by time- and temperature-dependent small-angle X-ray scattering experiments
M. Iijima, G. Strobl. Macromolecules 33, 5204-5214 (2000)
From the melt via mesomorphic and granular crystalline layers to lamellar crystallites: A major route followed in polymer crystallization?
G. Strobl. Eur. Phys. J. E 3, 165 (2000)
Steps in the formation of the partially crystalline state
Barbara Heck, Thosten Hugel, Masanori Iijima, Gert Strobl. Polymer 41, 8839-8848 (2000)
Polymer Studies
G. Reiter. Chapter 10 in Lecture Notes in Physics No. 58, X-Ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications, Eds. J. Daillant, A. Gibaud , 1999
Morphological Pathways of Pattern Evolution and Dewetting in Thin Liquid Films
A. Sharma, R. Khanna, R. Konnur, G. Reiter. K.L. Mittal, ed., VSP Publishers, Utrecht (1999)
Nanometer-scale Surface Patterns with Long Range Order Created by Crystallisation of Diblock Copolymers
G. Reiter, G. Castelein, P. Hoerner, G. Riess, A. Blumen, J.-U. Sommer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3844-3847 (1999)
A Thin Film Analog of the Corneal Mucus Layer of the Tear Film: An Enigmatic Long Range Non-Classical DLVO Interaction in the Breakup of Thin Polymer Films
A. Sharma, R. Khanna, G. Reiter. Colloids & Surfaces B 14, 223-235 (1999)
The Strength of Long-Range Forces Across Thin Liquid Films
G. Reiter, A. Sharma, R. Khanna, A. Casoli, M.O. David. J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 214, 126 (1999)
Destabilising Effect of Long Range Forces in Thin Liquid Films on Wettable Substrates
G. Reiter, A. Sharma, A. Casoli, M.-O. David, R. Khanna, P. Auroy. Europhys. Lett. 46, 512 (1999)
Thin Film Instability Induced by Long Range Forces
G. Reiter, A. Sharma, A. Casoli, M.O. David, R. Khanna, P. Auroy. Langmuir 15, 2551-2558 (1999)
Network stretching, slip processes, and fragmentation of crystallites during uniaxial drawing of polyethylene and related copolymers. A comparative study
R. Hiss, S. Hobeika, C. Lynn, G. Strobl. Macromolecules 32, 4390-4403 (1999)
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